■ Recycling reduces the dependence on foreign oil.
■ Recycling reduces air and water pollution.
■ Bottle bills provide economic incentives to recycle.
■ Recycling has poor regulation.
■ There are fluctuations in market prices which may make recycling
■ Throwaway packaging is more popular and convenient.
In 1995, the EPA implemented a program to promote waste reduction and
resource conservation, through the use of materials recovered from solid waste,
and to ensure that the materials collected in recycling programs will be used
again in the manufacture of new products.
■ Remanufacturing recovers materials that would have been discarded.
■ Remanufacturing is beneficial to inner cities as an industry because
materials are available and jobs are needed.
■ Toxic materials may be present (e.g., CFCs, heavy metals, toxic
chemicals, etc.).
Reuse means to use again, especially in a different way or after reclaiming or
■ Reuse is the most efficient method of reclaiming materials.
■ Industry models are already in place (e.g., auto salvage yards, building