Barrons AP Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(B) factories
(C) agriculture
(D) petroleum refining
(E) mining wastes

  1. What is the largest type of domestic solid waste in the United States?

(A) Yard    wastes
(B) Paper
(C) Plastic
(D) Glass
(E) Metal

  1. Which of the following is most readily recyclable?

(A) Plastic
(B) Paper
(C) Metal
(D) Glass
(E) All are equally and readily recyclable.

  1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) Recycling   is  more    expensive   than    trash   collection  and disposal.
(B) Landfills and incinerators are more cost effective and environmentally
sound than recycling options.
(C) The marketplace works best in solving solid waste management
problems; no public sector intervention is needed.
(D) Landfills are significant job generators for rural communities.
(E) None of the above are true.

  1. In the 1970s, houses were built over a toxic chemical waste disposal site.
    This Case Study is known as

(A) Love    Canal
(B) Bet Trang
(C) Bhopal
(D) Brownfield
(E) Chernobyl

  1. Which of the following methods of handling solid wastes is against the law

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