Math Intervention 3–5 Grade

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

108 Addition and Subtraction Concepts

All Strung Out
A game designed to build the concept
of equal difference

Q^ Number Cards (50–98)

Q (^) One Subtrahend Spinner (+2 or +1 or –1)
Q^ Paper clip and pencil
Q^ Number line (1–100) Note: If number line is not available, cut apart
the rows of a hundred chart and tape the ends together.
Q^ String (or ribbon or strips of paper), scissors

  1. Shuffl e the number cards and place face-down in a pile. The
    fi rst player draws a card. This number will be the minuend.

  2. The fi rst player spins the spinner to fi nd the subtrahend for the
    subtraction expression. This player cuts a piece of string that
    shows the difference (distance between the minuend and the
    subtrahend). The player moves the string two numbers to the
    right (when using the +2 spinner) and describes the equal
    difference equation using the term “is the same as.” For
    example, 86 – 28 is the same as 88 – 30.

  3. If the player accurately models and describes the equal
    difference equation, the player keeps the string.

  4. Players take turns drawing number cards, spinning, modeling,
    and describing the equal difference expressions.

  5. After each player has fi ve turns, all players line up their pieces
    of string, and compare their total lengths. The winner is the
    player with the most string.

Content Differentiation:
Moving Back: Use the +1 spinner (move string one number to the
Moving Ahead: Use the –1 spinner (move string one number to the
left) or make your own spinner.



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