Math Intervention 3–5 Grade

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Multifaceted Number Concepts 199

A game designed to build the concepts
of commutative and associative properties


Q Baseball Spinner, paper clip
Q 3 dice (labeled 1–6 with numerals)
Q Baseball Field resource page
Q Pawns of a different color for each player
Q Dry erase board and marker for each player


  1. To begin the fi rst round, a player spins the spinner. If it lands on
    single or double, the player rolls two dice. If it lands on triple or
    homerun, the player rolls three dice.

  2. All players use the numbers rolled to write the type of equation
    shown on the spinner on their dry erase boards.

  3. The fi rst player to write the correct equation and call out the
    correct sum or product moves her pawn on the baseball fi eld.
    For example, (3 + 2) + 4 = 3 + (2 + 4) has a sum of nine. The
    player moves her pawn to third base.

  4. Players take turns spinning the spinner and rolling the dice for
    each new round. Players can occupy the same base at the same

  5. If a player’s pawn is on second base and the player scores a
    single, she moves the pawn to third base. However, players can
    not score more than one run per round. For example, if a player’s
    pawn is on third base and the player scores a double, she can
    only go to home plate.

  6. Play continues until a player score fi ve runs.

Content Differentiation:

Moving Back: Play this game using only the commutative property
(singles and doubles).
Moving Ahead: Use parentheses in all equations.



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