Math Intervention 3–5 Grade

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Addition and Subtraction Concepts 29

Successful Strategies

Identifying when it is effi cient and when it is not effi cient to
use counting on and counting back is just as important as
knowing how to count on and count back. When students
know how and when to count on by ones, we can introduce
counting on by numbers other than one. As discussed
previously, counting on by ones is not an effi cient strategy to
use to solve 48 + 23; although it would be effi cient to count on
by tens and then ones to solve the equation (48 + 23 = 48 + 10

  • 10 + 1 + 1 + 1). Similarly, students can count on by other
    numbers when they are ready.

count on, count back,
one more, two more,
three more, one less,
two less, three less

Math Words to Use

Questions at Different Levels of Cognitive Demand

Recall: What is one more?
Comprehension: What does counting back mean?
Application: When is it a good idea to count on by
Analysis: How are counting on and counting back
Evaluation: When and why is counting back a good
Synthesis: How could you use skip counting by fi ves
to count on?


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