Math Intervention 3–5 Grade

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Addition and Subtraction Concepts 35

Successful Strategies

To help build students’ conceptual knowledge, provide
them with models and meaningful situations. It is important
that they visualize, manipulate, and talk about joining sets.
Teachers do not need to be the sole providers of number
stories. Students can and should create story problems
as they learn what it means to join sets. Additionally,
students need to understand that many sets can be joined.
Misconceptions may occur for students if we only provide
addition problems that have two addends.

join, combine, add,
addition, plus, sets,
quantities, amounts

Math Words to Use

Questions at Different Levels of Cognitive Demand

Recall: What is four and three more?
Comprehension: How would you summarize what it
means to join sets?
Application: How would you show four plus three?
Analysis: How are 2 + 3 and 4 + 1 alike?
Evaluation: What is the best way to join these sets?
Synthesis: How could you rearrange 5 + 2 + 5 + 3?


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