Math Intervention 3–5 Grade

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

40 Addition and Subtraction Concepts

Successful Strategies
For some students, the process of cutting out the rows of a
hundred chart and taping the ends together helps them build
understanding. They see how the number line is separated
into line segments on the hundred chart. This same process
can also be used with the calendar.

number line, order,
count, before, after

Math Words to Use

Questions at Different Levels of Cognitive Demand
Recall: What number comes next?
Comprehension: What are some examples of numbers
that come before?
Application: How could you use the number line to
show this math situation?
Analysis: What numbers go between other numbers on
the number line?
Evaluation: Which number line works best? Why?
Synthesis: How would you design a number line that
overlaps with another number line?


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