Math Intervention 3–5 Grade

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

52 Addition and Subtraction Concepts

Successful Strategies
To help students understand the concept of missing part
subtraction use models to show the parts of the total. Color
coding parts and arranging the parts in groups are helpful
ways to highlight the parts within the whole set.

subtract, subtraction,
difference, minuend,
subtrahend, minus sign,
missing part

Math Words to Use

Questions at Different Levels of Cognitive Demand
Recall: What is 6 – 2?
Comprehension: How do you know that 10 – 3 = 7?
Application: Is there another number story that could
go with this subtraction equation?
Analysis: Which number stories represent missing
part subtraction?
Evaluation: What is the best way to model missing
part subtraction?
Synthesis: How could you reorganize these facts to
show a new pattern?


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