Math Intervention 3–5 Grade

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Addition and Subtraction Concepts 55

Broken Towers
A game designed to build the concept
of missing part subtraction


Q Linking cubes (20 for each player)

Directions :

  1. The fi rst player states a number (1–20).

  2. All players build a tower using the stated number of

  3. When the towers are completed, each player holds her
    tower under the table. The players break their towers
    into two parts.

  4. One at a time, players show one part of their tower
    by placing it on the table. The other players count the
    cubes in the part of the tower that is showing and try
    to name how many cubes are in the missing part under
    the table.

  5. The fi rst player to name the correct number of cubes
    in the missing part of the tower earns one point. The
    player showing the tower can also earn one point by
    successfully stating the missing part subtraction

  6. After all players have shown their towers, the round is
    complete. A new number is given for the next round.

  7. The winner is the player with the most points after
    fi ve rounds.

Content Differentiation:

Moving Back: Build towers of ten or less.

Moving Ahead: Break towers into three parts.



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