The Economist - USA (2020-11-28)

(Antfer) #1
The EconomistNovember 28th 2020 Business 61


Bartleby Winter is coming


ime fora confession. Normally,
Bartleby’s family waits until Decem-
ber before putting up the Christmas
decorations. But this weekend, even
though it is only November, the festive
lights will go up. Furthermore, he has
bought some new (especially gaudy)
decorative items to brighten up the front
of the house.
Your columnist is far from alone.
Some celebrities have already decorated
their Christmas trees; Joan Collins, an
actress, was pictured next to hers on
November 10th. The local coffee shop
and minimarket had dressed in fir by
mid-November. These early seasonal
signals have been triggered by the pos-
sibility of a long and depressing winter,
in which the pandemic will disrupt
traditional celebrations and families
may be kept apart. There is the prospect
of a vaccine but, for most people, not
until the spring.
A recent survey found that 68% of
Britons said the pandemic had adversely
affected their mental health before the
nights started drawing in. In the circum-
stances, many people will be tempted to
put up more Christmas lights just to have
a cheerful sight.
The approach of winter is a problem
for employers and workers alike. When
Western economies endured their first
covid-19 lockdown, it was the spring. The
days were lengthening and people work-
ing from home could take a break from
their labours and go for a stroll in the
local park. Many could take their laptops
and work in the garden (if they were
lucky enough to have a backyard, and a
job that could be done remotely).
But the second wave of the disease has
hit as days get both colder and shorter.
Workers are stuck inside for most of the
day; in many countries, restaurants and

bars are shut. The idea of working from
home seems less inviting when there is
little scope for taking a break.
To counter the seasonal gloom, hu-
mans have long celebrated the winter
solstice, the moment when the days start
getting longer again. This helps explain
why even atheists are enthusiastic partici-
pants in Christmas festivities.
The fact that the solstice is followed by
the start of a new year only adds to the
need to mark the event in some way. In
Christian countries these celebrations are
a part of people’s working lives. At the
minimum, this means lights and dec-
orations in the office, or a Christmas tree
in reception. Often, it will involve a lunch,
after-work drinks or a party for staff, where
they can relax and reflect on the year’s
efforts. The effect is to bolster team spirit.
Look back to the suggestions made by
management consultants about improv-
ing winter morale in previous years and it
is striking how many of them involve
collective activities: ice-skating, fitness
classes, potluck lunches and the like.
Social distancing now rules out pretty

much all these distractions.
Online collective activities are a
substitute, but not a great one. When the
pandemic is over, few people will want to
maintain the tradition of “Zoom drinks”.
Quizzes are a potential substitute, al-
though they do not appeal to everyone.
Some will be embarrassed if they do not
know the state capital of South Carolina
or the losing side in the last fifaWorld
Cup final.
The other way companies can boost
morale at the year end is with an annual
bonus. But the economic damage caused
by the pandemic has crimped many
businesses’ ability to offer this perk; they
are struggling hard enough just to keep
everyone in their jobs.
That leaves another hardy perennial.
Around this time chief executives send
out a message to all staff in an attempt to
rally the troops by recounting the suc-
cesses of the previous year. These always
remind Bartleby of the scene in the bbc
sitcom “Are You Being Served?”, when a
department store’s elderly owner tells
his shop assistants “You’ve all done very
well”, before tottering away on the arm of
his nurse. It is hard to feel motivated by
such bland, indiscriminate praise.
So this year managers need to do a
better job. A personal message (or a
phone call) to each staff member in their
team is a good start. The conversation
should contain some praise that is spe-
cific to the individual, as well as a check
on how the colleagues are feeling at a
difficult time. This will be time-consum-
ing—and all the more appreciated for it.
The art of management is not merely
about hitting a budget.
If this doesn’t happen at your com-
pany, never mind. Praise from a boss is
priceless. For everything else, there is
always a display of luminous reindeer.

Morale will be hard to maintain this year

Recruiters remind clients that board-
rooms and c-suites are not overly blessed
with other ethnic minorities, lgbtq people
or women. They also highlight other
underrepresented groups, such as veter-
ans, migrants and refugees, the “differently
abled” and the all-encompassing “cogni-
tively diverse” (consultant-speak for peo-
ple who think differently).
The diversity industry has expanded be-
yond finding new hires. Consultancies’
and recruiters’ services include training
staff on bias, advice for diversifying supply
chains and coaching senior executives on

how to run more inclusive firms. Some of-
fer broad-ranging strategies for organisa-
tional and managerial changes. As one re-
cruiter puts it, “hiring can be a quick fix,
but you can’t just add a couple of diverse
fish. You actually need to change the water
in the pond.”
Demand for such services is unlikely to
abate any time soon. A survey by Edelman,
a public-relations firm, conducted soon
after news of Floyd’s death, found that 60%
of respondents said a brand’s reaction to
the protests “will influence whether I buy
or boycott them in the future”. Younger

customers and employees are likelier to
hold strong views: 53% of those aged 18-34
said they would not work for a firm that
failed to speak out during the protests,
compared with 42% for all ages.
The change is driven by the drive and
passion of younger employees, says Pame-
la Warren, who in July was appointed co-
leader of the dei council at Egon Zehnder, a
big executive-search firm. As more of them
enter the workforce, pressure on employ-
ers to be more representative of the popu-
lation will grow—and with it demand for
the diversity industry’s services. 7
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