English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

CHAPTER 5 More About Punctuation^109

  1. Early settlers prepared as carefully as possible for the journey, drove across
    the country, and used natural resources as they needed them, but they didn’t
    practice renewal or replacement.

  2. The secretary took our health insurance information, the nurse led us
    upstairs, and the laboratory technician drew blood, yet we were just getting
    started in what had to be accomplished.


The connecting words in the previous sentences were all short ones—but, yet, so.
What if the connecting word you need is a long word? The following longer con-
necting words (conjunctive adverbs) are always preceded by a semicolon and fol-
lowed by a comma when used to connect two complete thoughts.

however therefore nevertheless inasmuch as

moreover consequently otherwise

For example:

The realtor, an old friend of mine, prepared the sales agreement; however, we
held up the signing until our fi nancing was approved.

Marcello, my Italian friend, is a chef in Florence; nevertheless, he is currently
in Boston taking classes and demonstrating his amazing skills.

Written Practice 5-3

Use the preceding two examples to help you correct the punctuation errors in the
following sentences.

  1. Supposedly, we’ve been on a low-carbohydrate diet for a long time
    nevertheless we continue to eat bread at lunchtime and cookies at night.

  2. Remove your shoes at the door otherwise you’ll have to take the
    responsibility of cleaning the fl oor again.

  3. The country has made its decision therefore we must move through the
    future with confi dence and determination.

  4. You may not have received exactly the position you expected however you
    still have to offer your best work.

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