English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

130 English Grammar Demystifi ed

God in His Universe, Allah, Columbia River, New York City,
New York, Main Street, John T. McMasters, American Red Cross,
Spanish I, Algebra, Modern European History

  1. Capitalize Mother,Dad, and other titles if you can insert the person’s name,
    and titles like Grandma and Major when they appear with a formal name. If
    you can replace the “mother/mom” or “father/dad” with the person’s formal
    name, “Mother/Mom” or “Father/Dad” should be capitalized.
    Mother is really my best friend.
    Donna is really my best friend.

If you cannot replace the “mother/mom” or “father/dad” with the person’s
formal name, then “mother/mom” or “father/dad” should not be capitalized.
My father is really tall.
Fred is really tall.

Written Practice 6-1

In each of the following sentences, insert capital letters wherever they are needed.

  1. When we arrived in chicago, we quickly found out why it was named the
    windy city.

  2. My friend, a 5 1  girl, yelled, “oh, wait! I can’t walk any faster in this

  3. I received a call from mother the minute we landed in chicago.

  4. I’m taking french and world history 101 at the university.

  5. i’m volunteering for four hours a week at a local grammar school.


  1. Capitalize days, months, holidays, and special days.
    Monday, May, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day

  2. Capitalize historical events, documents, periods, or movements but not the
    small words that surround them.

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