English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Because I’m trying to get a promotion.

  2. When I exercise several times a week.

  3. After I took a nutrition course.

  4. As soon as the rain stops and we have all the information we need
    about the weather.

  5. Before I started this job and when I was looking for one.

  6. Since you started working here and agreed to take the early shift

  7. After they serve lunch and we’ve stayed a while.

  8. Tom, whom everyone admires since he was precinct captain


When we’re writing or speaking informally to friends and relatives, we do use frag-
ments, and that’s all right. However, the important word in the previous sentence is
informally. Obviously, you need to know the difference between formal and infor-
mal occasions.
Informal: You say to your son, “Need money?” He says, “Sure.” You both under-
stand very well what those fragments mean.
In the workplace, informal English doesn’t always work, especially in written
communications. Look at this memo:


From: Claire

To : G i n o

Re: Offi ce Supplies

Got enough supplies?

In this case, there have to be many questions in the reader’s mind. What supplies is
Claire asking about? For what period of time is Claire inquiring—this quarter, next
month, this afternoon? Better:

CHAPTER 1 Elements of the English Sentence^7

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