English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. My son has an objection to the school’s dress code.
    (a) My son has an objection to the school’s dress code.
    (b) My son he has an objection to the schools’ dress code.
    (c) My son’s dress code is objected to by the school.
    (d) My son objects to the school’s dress code.

  2. A free membership is offered by the health club each January.
    (a) In January, a free membership is offered by the health club.
    (b) The health club offers a free membership each January.
    (c) A free membership each January is offered by the health club.
    (d) Each January is when a free membership is offered by the health club.

  3. Their plan was to offer the best people more hours.
    (a) They offered the best people more hours.
    (b) They were offering the best people more hours as a part of their plan.
    (c) Their plan for the best people was to offer more hours to them.
    (d) There plan was offering more hours to the best people.

  4. It has been determined that we need to increase revenues or risk going out
    of business.
    (a) We have been determining that we need to increase revenues or risk
    going out of business.
    (b) We have determined that we need to increase revenues or risk going out
    of business.
    (c) Going out of business has been determined.
    (d) It has been determined that we need to increase revenues or risk going
    out of business or just wait another year.

  5. The need for music and art programs in public schools exists.
    (a) The need for music and art programs in public schools, doesn’t it exists.
    (b) Public schools they think they need music and art programs.
    (c) The need for at least music and art programs in public schools exists.
    (d) Public schools need music and art programs.

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