English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

256 English Grammar Demystifi ed

Separate: 1. SEPerATE—to divide into groups; 2. SEPret—not
joined together

  1. SEPerATE the cotton and the wool socks into two piles.

  2. The dark socks were kept SEPret from the white ones.

Tier: 1. TEER—layer; 2. TYER—a person who ties

  1. The fi rst tier of the cake was pure chocolate.

  2. Can you imagine being known as the best tier of bows?

Tear: 1. TARE—to rip; 2. TEER—fluid in eye; flow fluid from eye

  1. If you tear the package at the perforation, it’s much easier to open.

  2. The pollution made my eyes tear.

Wind: 1. WHINEd—to coil up; 2. WINd—the blowing air

  1. I dislike having to wind the kite string.

  2. The wind lifted the kite high into the sky.

Wound : 1. WOOND—to injure; 2. WOWND—coiled up

  1. Tim didn’t mean to wound the animal with the BB gun.

  2. A bandage was wound around the dog’s leg.

Written Practice 11-5

Choose the correct homograph to complete each sentence. Use the transliteration
to show the correct form. The fi rst one is done for you.

  1. A healthful diet and increased exercise will ehFEKThow you feel.

  2. Our rooms were but on the same fl oor.

  3. The athlete’s win did not place him on the team, but it did make him an
    to the Olympic Games.

  4. His choice made only the tiniest, most difference in the

  5. Fortunately, the soldier’s injuries did not make her an for

  6. That chore was done in time!

  7. The nurse a bandage around the.

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