English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

CHAPTER 11 Correct Word Usage^259

Incorrect: She looks as her sister.

Correct: She looks like her sister.

Correct: He ran like the wind.

On the other hand, asis used like a conjunction before a clause.

Correct: Nobody loves her as I do.

Correct: Do as I do.

In informal English, you will often hearlike used as a conjunction instead of
as. However, the following use of like is still neither standard nor accepted.

Incorrect: Nobody loves Gary like I do.

Correct: Nobody loves Gary as I do.

Correct: Monty does as Pat does.

Correct: Aidan looks like his mother.

bring versus take

Incorrect: When we go to the mountains on Saturday, let’s bring our skis.

When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of depar-
ture, use take. When you think of moving something from the point of arrival,

Correct: When you come to the party, please bring a bottle of wine.

fewer versus less

Incorrect:Ten items or less. Sign at the checkout in a supermarket.

You can count the items, so you need to use the number word, which is

Correct: Ten items or fewer.

If you can’t count the substance, then you should use less.
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