English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

264 English Grammar Demystifi ed


Choose the correct word to complete each of the following sentences.

  1. Monet’s color (pallet/palette) is distinctive.

  2. The storyteller recited a (tail/tale) of terror.

  3. We took our work problem to the (personal/personnel) department.

  4. Mark and I hadn’t done any business until we were (formally/formerly)

  5. We certainly have a (bases/basis) upon which to continue.

  6. My students received (they’re/their) new books.

  7. (Your/You’re) books will arrive next week.

  8. I was offered a gift of either a dress or shoes, and I chose the (latter/later).

  9. My friend has the highest (morale/moral) standards; he proved it when he
    refused to keep the money he found.

  10. You (to/too) can meet us each day for our morning run.

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