English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Choose the correct spelling for each misspelled word.

  1. Be sure to ask for a reciept.
    (a) resiet
    (b) reciet
    (c) receipt
    (d) resceipt

  2. Juan was refered to me for a job.
    (a) refferred
    (b) referd
    (c) refurd
    (d) referred

  3. Ms. Santini, a piano teacher, has bought a number of pianoes.
    (a) pianose
    (b) pianos
    (c) piannos
    (d) pianoze

  4. The lawmakers would go to any length to keep states from seceeding from
    the Union.
    (a) seceading
    (b) saceding
    (c) seceding
    (d) suceeding

  5. Do you have a peferrence for one color over another?
    (a) preference
    (b) prefference
    (c) preferennce
    (d) preferense

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