English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. Have you told your children this? “Don’t eat (to/too/two) many sweets!”

  2. On his fi rst solo skiing experience, he (braked/broke) his leg.

  3. The (cent/scent) of fl owers sends me into a sneezing fi t.

  4. A (hole/whole) watermelon is fun for a picnic.

  5. The teacher said, “Learning by (wrote/rote) means memorizing, and what
    good is that?”

  6. You have to decide (weather/whether) or not you want to participate in state

  7. Selena and Camila wanted (SEPerATE/SEPret) rooms.

  8. Our shopping is very convenient; it’s (CLOZE/CLOS) to our home.

  9. I’m so (anxious/eager) to leave; I’ve been waiting for so long to take this

  10. We’re taking the trip (irregardless/regardless) of the economy.

  11. Your choice of music (aggravates/annoys) me.

  12. The (number/amount) of people in the restaurant was higher than the
    allowed limit.

  13. I need your (advise/advice) about the color of paint for my house.

  14. Sergio was under the (illusion/allusion) that keeping the children up later
    would make them sleep longer.

  15. Mariso is (continually/continuously) late for work.

  16. You can’t recycle (lose/loose) papers; tie them up.

  17. The container isn’t (quiet/quite) high enough to hold all those papers.

  18. The toddler loved hearing about the bunny with the soft (tail/tale).

  19. Is it (alright/all right) for me to use the desk in front of the windows?

  20. How many people have (immigrated/emigrated) from Europe?

  21. Most people don’t want to be accused of losing their (moral/morale)

  22. Camila took a day off to attend to all the (personal/personnel) business that
    is put off during the workweek.

  23. There were (all together/altogether) too many references to unhappy

  24. (You’re/Your) opinion is very important to me.

  25. We’re trying to (adopt/adapt) to a greener lifestyle.

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