English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Written Practice 1-10

In each paragraph, fi nd the one verb that is not consistent in tense. Circle those

Paragraph 1

About three days after Christmas, do your children say, “I’m bored. What should I
do now?” The answer could be that the children need to play, but in a way that is
different from what they’ve been doing. They may simply need to leave their new
indoor toys, their computers, and the TV and went outside into open space.

Paragraph 2

If it’s not dangerously cold outside, children should spend time exercising their
muscles in the open atmosphere. Many opportunities existed in the outdoors, from
bike and sled riding to building snow forts. All of these activities give children the
chance to use both large and small muscles and to focus on totally different tasks.


Identify and correct the errors in each of the following sentences, following the
provided example.

Assuming that we make the early train. sentence fragment

I will be home on time assuming that we make the early train.

  1. If you decide on which route to take.

  2. Looking back at his childhood.

  3. You’re ready don’t hesitate.

  4. Mark and Amy runs a very organized household.

  5. Buying a new piece of clothing.

CHAPTER 1 Elements of the English Sentence^23

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