English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Lightning struck and we (had smelled/smelled) smoke immediately.

  2. We think our dog of all the dogs we know (is/are) the smartest.

  3. (We/Us) are in charge of the Halloween party this year.

  4. (Him/He) and (me/I) do this every October.

  5. You shouldn’t make a decision dependent upon (me/my) going.

  6. Kenny (hisself/himself) is responsible for our downfall.

  7. Lawrence left the studio (which/that) is to the left of the gym to conduct a
    Pilates class.

  8. (Whom/Who) is talented enough to direct the play?

CHAPTER 3 Verbs, Prepositions, and Pronouns^75

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