PC Magazine - USA (2020-12)

(Antfer) #1

The cellular version of the Series 5 and higher supports international calls to
emergency services, regardless of your carrier or where you live. So if you’re an
American visiting London, for example, and need help, the watch will call 999
and not 911.

With watchOS 7, you can set up an Apple Watch for a family member who
doesn’t own an iPhone. That person can then make and receive phone calls and
text messages, use a variety of built-in features, and run third-party apps on the
Watch. For this to work, you’ll need an iPhone 6s or later with iOS 14, while the
family member will need an Apple Watch Series 4 or later. Certain features also
require a cellular connection on the person’s watch.

To set this up, position the person’s watch next to your iPhone. Open the Watch
app on your phone, tap the All Watches link at the top, and then tap the link to
Add Watch. Tap the button for Set Up for a Family Member. From there, follow
the screens to enable or modify the necessary features and settings. When
you’re done, your grateful family member can start using their watch, and you
can continue to manage their watch from your own phone.

Yes, you can talk to Siri on your watch. And with a Series 3 or higher, Siri will
even talk back to you. Long-press on the Digital Crown, and Siri will appear,
awaiting your command or question. With watchOS 7, you can ask Siri a greater
variety of things, such as translating a phrase from one language to another.

You can also get Siri’s attention by voice. To set this up on your watch, go to
Settings > General > Siri.7KH¿UVWRSWLRQIRU+H\6LULOHWV\RXVD\³+H\6LUL ́
directly to your watch. The second option lets you raise your watch to your
mouth where you can then say “Hey Siri” to chat with the voice assistant.

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