Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A boat travels to a destination upstream in 2 hours and returns in 1.5
    hours. If the current is 5 miles per hour, find the speed of the boat on
    its speedometer.
    (a) 30 miles per hour
    (b) 45 miles per hour
    (c) 40 miles per hour
    (d) 35 miles per hour

  2. A candy store owner wants to mix some candy costing $1.25 a pound
    with some candy costing $1.45 a pound to make 50 pounds of candy
    costing $1.30 a pound. How much of the $1.25 a pound candy should
    she use?
    (a) 35 pounds
    (b) 37.5 pounds
    (c) 15 pounds
    (d) 12.5 pounds

  3. A craftsperson wishes to make an alloy from an alloy which is 40%
    gold and another which is 60% gold. How many ounces of the 40%
    alloy need to be used to get 5 ounces that are 55% gold?
    (a) 4.75 ounces
    (b) 3.25 ounces
    (c) 1.25 ounces
    (d) 2.75 ounces

  4. An investor has part of $1200 invested at 8% and the rest invested at
    5%. If the total yearly interest on the money is $87.60, how much does
    the person have invested at 5%?
    (a) $280
    (b) $440
    (c) $920
    (d) $760

  5. A person has a certain sum of money invested at 3% and twice that
    amount invested at 7%. If the total interest from the investment is
    $119, find the amount of money invested at 7%.
    (a) $1750
    (b) $3500
    (c) $7000
    (d) $1400

Quiz 4 195

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