Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
In other words, in order to solve a system of equations, it is necessary to
find a value forxand a value forywhich, when substituted in the equations,
makes them both true.
There are several ways to solve a system of equations. The method used
here is called thesubstitutionmethod. You can use these steps:

Step 1: Select one equation and solve it for one variable in terms of the
other variable.
Step 2: Substitute this expression for the variable in theotherequation
and solve it for the remaining variable.
Step 3: Select one of the equations, substitute the value for the variable
found in Step 2, and solve for the other variable.

EXAMPLE:Solve the system

xy¼ 3
2 xþy¼ 12


Step 1: Select the first equation and solve it forxin terms ofy.

xy¼ 3
xyþy¼ 3 þy
x¼ 3 þy

Step 2: Substitute 3þyforxin the second equation and solve fory.

2 xþy¼ 12

2 ð 3 þyÞþy¼ 12

6 þ 2 yþy¼ 12

6 þ 3 y¼ 12

6  6 þ 3 y¼ 12  6

3 y¼ 6

31 y




y¼ 2

198 REFRESHER V Systems of Equations

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