Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
 10 y¼ 30

 101 y




y¼ 3

Step 3: Substitute3 foryin the first equation and find the value forx.

xþ 3 y¼ 7

xþ 3 ð 3 Þ¼ 7

x 9 ¼ 7

x 9 þ 9 ¼ 7 þ 9

x¼ 2

You can check the solution by using 3xy¼9 whenx¼2 andy¼3.

3 xy¼ 9

3 ð 2 Þð 3 Þ¼ 9

6 þ 3 ¼ 9

9 ¼ 9

When selecting an equation and a variable to solve for in Step 1, you
should look for an equation which has a variable whose numerical coefficient
is one. Since this is not always possible, you still can use the substitution
method to solve the equation as shown in the next example.

EXAMPLE:Solve the system

5 x 7 y¼ 31
4 xþ 3 y¼ 1


Step 1: Select the second equation and solve fory.

200 REFRESHER V Systems of Equations

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