Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Find the Celsius temperature (C) when the Fahrenheit temperature
    (F) is 50 8. Use C¼^59 (F 328 ).

  2. Find the volume (V) of a cylinder in cubic feet when the height (h)is
    19 feet and the radius (r) of the base is 3 feet. UseV¼3.14r^2 h.

  3. Find the force (F) of the wind against a flat surface whose area (A)
    is 20 square feet when the wind speed (s) is 35 miles per hour. Use

  4. Find the surface area (A) of a cube in square feet when each side (s)
    measures 12 inches. UseA¼ 6 s^2.

  5. Find the current (I) in amperes when the electromotive force (E)is
    18 volts and the resistance (R) is 6 ohms. UseI¼RE.

  6. Find the Fahrenheit temperature (F) when the Celsius temperature
    (C) is 50 8. Use F¼^95 Cþ 328.


  1. W¼Fd

¼ 60  9

¼540 ft.-lb.

  1. D¼RT

¼ 35 2.5

¼87.5 miles

  1. I¼PRT

¼$60007% 8

¼$6000(0.07) 8


LESSON 7 Using Formulas 63

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