Times 2 - UK (2020-12-02)

(Antfer) #1

14 1GT Wednesday December 2 2020 | the times


Fill the grid
using the
numbers 1 to 9
only. The
numbers in each
horizontal or
vertical run of
white squares
add up to the
total in the
triangle to its left
or above it. The
same number
may occur more
than once in a
row or column,
but not within
the same run of
white squares.


Kakuro No 2797



Fill the blank squares so that every row and column contains
each of the numbers 1 to 5 once only. The symbols between
the squares indicate whether a number is larger (>) or smaller
(<) than the number next to it.

All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every row and column. In
each thick-line “block”, the target number in the top left-hand
corner is calculated from the digits in all the cells in the block,
using the operation indicated by the symbol.

KenKenMedium No 5127 Futoshiki No 3838









The metagame

The most important poker skill is
having good theoretical knowledge.
However, a strong player who
focuses purely on making tech-
nically accurate plays can go only
so far. They will be working from
the assumption that other players
approach the game as they do,
expecting them to make decisions
in a similarly robotic fashion.
However, poker is a game of
human interaction and humans
do not tend to behave like robots.
Every player will have their own
idiosyncrasies and these can eas-
ily change as the session wears on
and they become more aggressive,
less aggressive, fed up, more focu-
sed, distracted, suddenly prepared
to take risks etc, etc. Being aware
of the flow of the play, and how
this is affecting the other players
at the table, is extremely impor-
tant. This is the metagame.
A player who fails to adjust as
others vary their style of play will,
in poker-speak, be leaving money
on the table. There are many ways
this can happen but the following
is probably the most common.
A tight player has been playing
quietly. This player believes pati-
ence is a virtue. They wait for a
good hand and then bet it strongly
which, against moderate opposi-
tion, works well. However, this
player has recently suffered a cou-
ple of unfortunate setbacks where
they were favourite in large-ish
pots but got sucked out (an oppo-
nent hit a lucky card to turn the

tables). Somewhat fed up, they are
now suddenly entering more pots
and playing in a more frisky man-
ner than was previously the case.
Early on, the other strong play-
ers at the table will probably have
(correctly) labelled this player as
“tight”. However, those who have
been fiddling on their phones for
the past half hour may not have
observed the reverses this player
has suffered and assume (now
incorrectly) they are still operat-
ing in tight mode.
Players who have not been dis-
tracted will understand that this
player has emerged from their
shell and is now a different ani-
mal. They will adjust by putting
pressure on them in the early
stages of a hand. The previously-
tight player will now have more
weak hands in their range and,
because this is not their natural
style, may be unsure how to adjust
and consequently make mistakes.
Furthermore, tight players are
generally susceptible to being
bluffed. What these cautious souls
really hate is losing a big pot, so a
well-timed aggressive play can
often get them to fold. However, a
player who has been unlucky and,
as a consequence, is playing more
belligerently is less likely to cave
in. Anyone not paying attention
and assuming they can still bun-
dle this player out of a pot with a
simple show of strength may be in
for a nasty surprise. They may not
have done anything technically
wrong but they will be guilty of not
paying attention to the metagame.


Slide the letters either horizontally or vertically back into the grid to produce a
completed crossword. Letters are allowed to slide over other letters

Every letter in this crossword-style grid has been substituted for a number from 1
to 26. Each letter of the alphabet appears in the grid at least once. Use the letters
already provided to work out the identity of further letters. Enter letters in the main
grid and the smaller reference grid until all 26 letters of the alphabet have been
accounted for. Proper nouns are excluded. Yesterday’s solution, right

Cluelines Stuck on Codeword? To receive 4 random clues call 0901 293 6262 or
text TIMECODE to 84901. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard network charge. For the full solution
call 0905 757 0142. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm).

Winners will receive a Collins English Dictionary & Thesaurus

Solve the puzzle and text in the numbers in the three
shaded boxes. Text TIMES followed by a space, then
your three numbers, eg, TIMES 123, plus your name,
address and postcode to 84901 (UK only), by midnight.
Or enter by phone. Call 09012 925274 (ROI 1516 303 501)
by midnight. Leave your three answer numbers (in any
order) and your contact details.

Calls cost £1 (ROI €1.50) plus your telephone company’s
network access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard
network charge. Winners will be picked at random from
all correct answers received. One draw per week. Lines
close at midnight tonight. If you call or text after this
time you will not be entered but will still be charged.
SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm).

Fill the grid so
that every
column, every
row and every
3x2 box contains
the digits 1 to 6

What are your favourite puzzles in MindGames?
Email: [email protected]

Lay tracks to enable the train to travel from village A to village
B. The numbers indicate how many sections of rail go in each
row and column. There are only straight rails and curved rails.
The track cannot cross itself.

Win a Dictionary & Thesaurus

Train Tracks No 1189

Lexica No 5595 No 5596

































Codeword No 4135

Winning Move

Poker Byron Jacobs










Black to play.
This position is from Nasuta-
Firouzja, “Titled Tuesday”,
chess.com 2020.

It may have been a miserable
2020 for many people but it has
been a standout year for Alireza
Firouzja. Firouzja was relatively
unknown 12 months ago but his
successes in 2020 have catapulted
him into the world’s top 20 and
he is generally regarded as a
potential world title challenger.
How did he finish here?

For more puzzles, including an extra

Codeword, Train Tracks and Futoshiki

go to page 10

Free download pdf