Cyans Annual Report 2019

(marinoscy71) #1

However, the 2019 KPI 01a results are improved compared to the 2018 results. The safety
surveys 2018 level B score improved to level C and this improved the overall score for KPI 01a
to C which is still below the Union Wide Target D.

In order to achieve target level D the following mitigating measures should be implemented:

  1. Organisational restructuring.

  2. Staffing corporate SMS and the local ATC Unit SMSs organizational structures;

  3. Implementation of the latest Safety Management System Procedures by the ATC Units
    and the Corporate SMS Function in order to improve safety effectiveness on:

a. The coordination of the Emergency Response Plans;
b. Change Management;
c. Management of internal and external interfaces via formal arrangements;
d. Publication of safety levels;
e. Monitoring and measuring the SMS compliance
f. Safety surveys and internal audits;
g. Safety Culture;
h. Fatigue risk management

The level of performance of the four (4)
Key Performance Indicators KPI 01b,
KPI 02a, KPI 02b and KPI 02c for 2019
was as originally planned;
In particular the level of performance
of the KPI 01b: Level of effectiveness of
the safety management system (The
Safety Culture Management Objective
of EOSM) was C, as the performance target of 2019. However, the following activities
need to be executed in order to maintain or improve the target level on Safety Culture:

  1. Continue keeping personnel involved and promoting the safety culture

  2. Continue safety promotion and lesson dissemination

  3. Continue dialogue with the Judicial Authorities

  4. Promote communication, teamwork, risk awareness, reporting, safety responsibility and

  5. Plan safety culture measurement and management

The level of performance of the KPI 02a: Percentage of application of the severity classification
based on the Risk Analysis Tool (RAT) for Separation Minima Infringements (SMIs) was 100%.
The target of 2019 was achieved and ongoing reporting, analysis, corrective action, follow-up
of occurrences and lesson dissemination should continue so as to maintain it.
The level of performance of the KPI 02b: Percentage of application of the severity classification
based on the Risk Analysis Tool (RAT) for Runway Incursions (RIs) was in accordance with the
performance targets of 2019, that is 100%. Ongoing reporting, analysis, corrective action,
follow-up of occurrences and lesson dissemination should continue in order to maintain the
achieved target.

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