Cyans Annual Report 2019

(marinoscy71) #1

2.2.3 Capacity and Traffic

The table below provides an overview of the evolution of flights (all controlled flights including
overflights) and en-route service units in the EUROCONTROL Member State Area (DCAC). The
analysis of the en-route service units is based on the en-route charging zones for which
the Central Route Charges Office of EUROCONTROL (CRCO) collects en-route charges 1.

Cyans Traffic by Unit

2019 Number of flights controlled by the ACC^ LCLK movements^ LCPH movements^
January 28,068 3170 796
February 25,453 2884 812
March 29,991 3518 1073
April 34,305 4770 1740
May 34,420 5796 2050
June 37,936 6450 2190
July 41,627 6930 2224
August 43,169 7036 2213
September 37,814 6587 2109
October 37,370 6177 2045
November 30,732 3870 1290
December 31,091 3478 982
TOTAL 411,976 60666 19524

Capacity and delays
When traffic demand is anticipated to exceed the declared ATM
capacity, ATC units may call for “ATFM regulations”. Aircraft
subject to ATFM regulations are held at the departure airport
according to “ATFM slots” allocated by the Network Manager.

The resulting ATFM delays of a flight is allocated to the most
constraining ATC unit, either en-route (en-route ATFM delay) or
departure/arrival airport (airport ATFM delay). Please note that
the ATFM delay is based on the flight plan. For information on
delay compared to airline schedule or
punctuality please see the all-causes
delay section.

The overview below shows an analysis
of ATFM delays and the delay cause as
attributed by the local Flow
Management Position (FMP):

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