2.2.4 Cost Efficiency & Financial results
The Department of Civil Aviation of Cyprus
(DCAC), CyANS Section is a certified ANSP,
providing a bundle of services (ATS, CNS and
AIS) within Nicosia Flight Information Region
(FIR). The DCAC is a State entity under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport,
Communications and Works.
Financial Review
A. Revenue
The main source of revenue of the CyANS is
the en-route charges, which are imposed and
collected by the EUROCONTROL- CRCO. The level of the unit rate is set so as to enable full
recovery of the ANS related cost. Republic of Cyprus has established one charging zone, where
en-route ATM services are provided, covering the entire Nicosia FIR. The level of the unit rate
within the charging zone is set so as to enable recovery of ATM related cost as specified by
the Commission Regulation 391/2013.
The actual Revenue for 2019 amounted to €47,9 million compared to €35.3 million calculated
as determined cost for 2019 (increase of €12,6 million or 35,9%) and €48,2 million as actual
revenue for 2018 (decrease of €308 thousands or 0,6% ).
The main reason for the increase of revenues is the high level of increase of traffic by 35,9%.
B. Expenditure
The actual expenditure for the year 2019 amounts to € 32,9 million, compared to € 42,4
million that were budgeted as determined cost (decrease of € 9,6 million or 22,5%).
It is noted that the actual costs of 2018 were €34,1 million (decrease of €1,2 million or 3,6 %).
The main categories of expenditure by economic activity of the CyANS’s Budget in relation to
the Performance Plan relate to the following:
I. Staff costs
The main category of expenditure concerns staff costs which for 2019 amounted to €16.2
million compared to €16,4 million
calculated as determined cost for 2019
(decrease of €208 thousands or -1.3%)
and €15.4 million as actual cost for 2018
(increase of €810 thousands or 5,3 %).
The difference between the actual
expenditure for 2019 and the
determined costs for 2019 is mainly due
to the implementation of measures
adopted in recent years to reduce the
state payroll (state service and wider
public sector).