Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis to write off the cost, less estimated
residual value, of property, plant and
equipment over their estimated useful lives
as follows:
Freehold buildings: 10-40 years
Air traffic control systems: 8-15 years
Plant and other equipment: 3-15 years
Furniture, fixtures and fittings: 10 years
Vehicles: 5 years
Freehold land and assets in the course of
construction and installation are not
depreciated. The gain or loss arising on the
disposal or retirement of an asset is
determined as the difference between the
sale proceeds and the carrying amount of
the asset and is recognised in income.
Cost of capital Justification
DCAC - CyANS is a Governmental Department, having a Budgetary Policy, operating on
a cash basis method. Investments such as Property, Plant and Equipment, are funded
through the Governmental Budget. The cost of capital is calculated as per the
provisions of Article 7.2 of the (EU) 391/2013. The weighted average cost of capital
used for each Reference Period, is presented in the tables below which is then
calculated on the total capital employed.
E. En-Route Unit Rate and Traffic Review
Customer Charges
Our customer charges for en route were again one of the lowest in Europe in 2019 and
were significally lower when compared to our European peer meeting.