Cyans Annual Report 2019

(marinoscy71) #1


The number of employees in CYANS was 179 FTE for 2019.

The recruitment policy of CyANS is formally documented in the Civil Service Law and in the relevant
regulations issued by the Personnel Department. Recruitment is conducted under the budget
approval process (submission of personnel needs to the MCW, approval of the requested needs,
drafting of the scheme of services and final approval by Parliament). CYANS fulfils the human
resources needs following closely its own human resources plan to support the Single European Sky
needs and to meet traffic demands.

Through continuous awareness of the requirements, the CYANS management strives to ensure that
all employees’ levels of training/education/competency satisfy the highest standards at all times.
Through certified in-house training, we ensure that new ATCOs start out at the highest level, and
through continuous supplementary training and close monitoring, we ensure that the skills of all our
ATCOs are continuously updated, so that everyone is proficient in the latest procedures at all times.
In 2019 CYANS has initiated the training process for 15 new ATCOs, currently being trained at the
DCAC Training Centre.

Employee Development

Employee Development is an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts,
changing of attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the performance of employees.
Employee development in the CyANS consists of
training courses that the employee is desired to
attend after being assigned to a section/unit.
These training courses are designed to address the
job specific requirements of the individual post
that the employee has been assigned to.
Depending on the post, a predefined number of
courses are prescribed that the employee is
desired to attend in order to upgrade his/her
existing skills and knowledge. The time period at
which these courses are attended are decided
upon in the CyANS Annual Training Plan and the
ATC unit’s Competency Schemes.
Additionally to the regulatory obligations of the units for refreshing courses, a major part of the
employee development training occurred during the training phase of the project for the
restructuring of the south part of Nicosia FIR. The training phase of the project was initiated in 2019.

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