Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



A fossil is a part of an animal or a plant that has been
dead for a very long time—usually thousands or even mil-
lions of years. It is preserved in rock formations in the earth's
crust. In order for a plant or an animal to become a fossil,
it must be buried almost immediately after it dies. For ex-
ample, if there were a bird on the ground and
a heap of sand suddenly fell on it and
killed it, the remains of this bird
could be preserved for millions
of years. Similarly, there is a
resin of some trees that be-
comes fossilized by geologi-

Under the layers of the
earth's crust we can find the
remains of creatures that
lived in the past. These re-
mains are called fossils and
they disprove all the claims
made by evolutionists.

Afossil snail Afossil spider
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