Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
it lost more of its arms, except for some that started develop-
ing into fins of their own accord. Meanwhile, and simultane-
ously, all the other changes that are necessary for a starfish
to turn into a fish took place. (Nothing like this could ever
have happened, of course, but we are just reminding our-
selves of what evolutionists would have us believe!) According
to evolutionists, the starfish had to go through many phases to
turn into a fish.
So, these imaginary creatures in their transformational
stages are called intermediate species in the process of evo-
lution. Again, according to the illogical claims of evolutionists,
all of them must have some vestigial or not yet fully formed
body parts. For example, the intermediate species which al-
legedly formed while fish were turning into reptiles must have
"half-grown" feet, fins, lungs and gills. We must remember
that if such strange creatures had actually lived in the past, we
would certainly have found fossil remains of them. It is inter-
esting that so far not one fossil has been found of the inter-
mediate species that evolutionists claim to have existed.

Evolutionists claim, for example, that starfish developed over millions of
years and turned into fish. According to this claim, there should be many
"transitional forms" to be found between starfish and fish. But no fossil of
such a transitional form has yet been found. There are starfish and there are
fish in the fossil record, but there is no transitional form made up of
strange-looking combinations of both.

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