Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Their tall tale is that reptiles living
in trees started to jump from tree to
tree, and while they were jumping, they
developed wings. Yet another tall tale is
that some reptiles trying to catch flies
used to run and
flap their fore-
arms, and that
these forearms
turned into wings.
Isn't it ludicrous to imag-
ine a dinosaur developing wings while run-
ning? Things like this only happen in sto-
ries or in cartoons.
There is an even more important sub-
ject. These evolutionists say that this big
dinosaur developed its wings when it
was trying to catch flies. Well, then how
did the fly itself take to the air? Where did its
wings come from? When they were trying to
explain how a gigantic dinosaur could fly,
shouldn't they first have explained how a
tiny insect was able to? Of
course they should.
But this is the
point that evolu-
tionists will
never be able
to explain.

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