Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

found belong either to a complete reptile, or else to a com-
plete bird. This means that birds did not evolve from reptiles.
Allah created birds, just as He has created all other living
However, since evolutionists don't want to accept this,
they try to convince people that what they say is true by in-
venting stories. They found the fossil of a bird called
Archaeopteryx, which lived approximately 150 million
years ago, and claimed that this bird was a transitional form
between dinosaurs and birds. Yet saying that
Archaeopteryxwas the ancestor of birds is completely illog-
Archaeopteryxwas a fully fledged bird!

  1. Archaeopteryxhad feathers, just like the birds of our
    own time.

  2. Archaeopteryxhad the same chest-bone, to which its
    wings were attached, as other flying birds.

  3. Archaeopteryxcannot be the ancestor of all birds,
    because fossils of birds that are older than it have been

The fossil of a bird called
Archaeopteryx, that evolu-
tionists tried to portray as an
intermediate species, shows
that evolution is a theory
founded on deceit. This fos-
sil is that of a real bird and
shows that birds have not
changed for millions of
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