Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

EEvvoolluuttiioonniissttss CCaannnnoott OOffffeerr AAnnyy PPrrooooff TThhaatt HHuummaann
BBeeiinnggss AArree DDeesscceennddeedd ffrroomm AAppeess
In the field of science, it is very important to produce
"proof." When you make a claim, and if you want others to
believe it, then you have to show some proof. For example, if
you introduce yourself to someone and say, "My name is
Omar" and that person says, "I do not believe that your name
is Omar," then in that case you would have to have some
proof that your name really was
Omar. What could your proof be?
An ID card could represent
proof, or a birth certificate, or
passport, or maybe your
school report card,
among other things. If
you show one of
these to that per-
son, he will believe
you are who you
say you are.
Now let us
give a scientific
example. There
was a scientist
called Isaac
Newton who lived in
the eighteenth century
and who is said to have
discovered gravity. When
people asked him what
made him so sure he

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