Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

"Yes Kamal, every living thing is a proof of the superior
creative art of Allah. Now, whenever you look at anything, you
will be able to see this. Now I should go. But don't forget what we
have been talking about!"
Kamal waved his friend goodbye: "It was nice to have met
you. Hope to see you again..."
On the way to home, reflecting on the amazing design in the
glow-worm, Kamal was eager to tell his family about his conver-
sation with his little friend.

The Red Sea lies be-
tween two deserts. No rivers or
other running fresh water drain into
it. In other words, there is no transfer
of oxygen or nitrogen. Normally this
sea would be a barren desert like the
lands which surround it, yet it con-
tains corals of all kinds. The corals
which manage to live here in spite of
the difficult conditions are able to do
so because of the symbiosis (the way
they live together with other living
things) they have established with other crea-
tures resembling plants, called algae. The
algae hide themselves from their ene-
mies within the coral reefs and use sun-
light to perform photosynthesis. The
harmonious lifestyle of these two creatures
is yet another proof of Allah's won-
drous creation.
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