Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

that Allah has given us! Of course the fat in
our bodies also helps protect us against
the cold."
"Is that your mother over there?"
Nabeel pointed to a much larger
seal some distance away. "I think
she's looking for you. Call her and
let her know where you are if you
The seal went on: "We seals live in
big herds and, yes, we look very much
like one another. But our mothers never
confuse us with any other seal. This is an
ability that Allah has given them. As soon as her baby is born,
the mother gives him a welcome kiss. Because of this kiss, she
recognizes his smell and never gets him mixed up with any other
baby. This is one of Allah's countless blessings He has given us.
We are grateful to our Almighty Lord because He gave our
mothers this ability to recognize us amongst the crowds we live
Nabeel had something else he
wanted to ask: "I remember reading
that you spend most of your time in
the water. So how did you
learn to swim?"

... If you
tried to num-
ber Allah's
blessings, you
could never count
them... (Surah
Ibrahim: 34)
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