Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

His new friend explained: "Allah cre-
ated all of us according to the condi-
tions we live in and made us ready
for them. Just as He created the
camel according to the condi-
tions of the desert, He created us
according to these cold condi-
tions. It is Allah's will that when
we are born our bodies have a
layer of fat called baby fat. Our
little bodies stay warm thanks to this
fat. And because the fat layer is lighter
than water it acts as a kind of lifebelt when
our mothers are teaching us to swim. After two weeks of swim-
ming lessons we become really great swimmers and divers."
"So, Allah created a special lifebelt inside your bodies for
you so you can learn to swim! How wonderful!"
"That's right," said the little seal. "Every living thing He cre-
ated so perfectly is a proof that Allah has power over every-
Just at that moment Nabeel was awakened by a warm kiss
on the cheek from his mother. The documentary on the television
was still going on. Nabeel remembered the dream he had just
had and smiled at the little seal on the screen.

His Signs is
the creation of
the heavens and
earth and all the
(Surat ash-
Shura: 29)
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