Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

course, this ability was given to me by our Almighty Lord, Who pro-
vides us with everything we need."

Amir was not sure he quite understood, "Could you please tell me
a bit more about how you change color?"

The chameleon took a deep breath and nodded: "When I'm sitting
on a leafy branch in daylight I turn green with black and brown
markings, like the shadows on the branches around me. When it's
dark I'm completely black. I can carry out all these color changes
within 15 minutes. When I'm angry though, I develop dark orange
spots and dark red markings as a warning to other animals."
"That is really unbelievable!" cried Amir. "I wonder what else is
special about you?"

His friend smiled happily. "My eyes move independently of one
another. I can look backwards and downwards. Of course, I would-
n't have had any of these characteristics if Allah had not wanted me

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