Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

to. Allah created me and gave me everything I need to survive."
Amir looked a bit closer. "It's quite hard to make your eyes out."
"So that my eyes don't attract the attention of enemies, Allah cov-
ered them completely with scales so they look like the rest of my head.
As you can see, when Allah created me, He designed me in the best
possible way to deal with whatever might happen to me."
"From now on," said Amir, "I'll look more carefully at things
around me. I won't forget to pray to our great and powerful Lord
when I see the clear proofs of His existence in nature. Thank you."
"Bye bye, Amir!" said the chameleon as it disappeared back into
its surroundings once more.

Mankind! You are the poor in
need of Allah whereas Allah is
the Rich Beyond Need, the
(Surah Fatir: 15)
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