Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


aki was lying in the garden reading a book. His eyes strayed
from the book he was reading, and as he looked around he saw
a spider's web on the branch of a tree. He got up and went up to the
spider's web which he began examining with interest. The spider,
which was near the web, then spoke to him.
"Hello, friend!" it said in a tiny voice.
"Hello," replied Zaki, who was always very polite. "This web you
have made is very interesting. How do you make one like this?"
The spider took a deep breath and began to ex-
plain: "I start by finding the right place
for it. It must be in a corner or be-
tween two nearby objects. Let me
explain how I make a web be-
tween two tree branches. First I fix
the thread tightly to one end of the
branch. Then I go to the other end
while continuing to produce thread.
When I reach the right distance I
stop producing that thread.
Then I begin to pull the
thread back towards myself
until it is tight and I fix it
where I am. Then I begin to
weave the web inside the arc I

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