Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

we made them in soil instead
of sand, it would take a
long, long time. It would
also make us very tired.
Moving sand is a lot easier
than moving soil. You can even
dig up sand with your fingers, but
for soil you need a shovel. That's why we
prefer sand. With sand we can do the job quicker and
without tiring ourselves too much."
"After laying our eggs, it is also much easier to cover them with
sand. You know, in the world there are millions of different kinds
of living things. All creatures have their own wonderful character-
istics. Allah created us all. It is Allah Who teaches us everything we
Ali stood up, as the program was coming to an end: "Meeting
you has increased my love for and nearness to Allah even more.
Thank you for what you have told me. Bye bye."

Flying fish do not fly with
wings like birds, they just
glide on their fins, which re-
semble wings. They can reach
speeds of up to 35 miles (56
km) an hour. These small fish
can also move more quickly in
water by spreading their fins
and lifting their tails out of the
water. This allows them to
glide on the surface.
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