Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
see. "When we find a hive we give it a couple of sharp knocks
with our paws to chase all the bees away, and then we
enjoy eating the honey inside. But whatever you do, don't
try the same thing, or the bees will sting you everywhere
and make you very, very ill. Thanks to our Allah, we
bears are protected from their stings by our thick fur."
Kashif promised he would not: "There's something
else I've been wondering about. Don't you bears ever
get hungry during your winter sleep?" he
The bear nodded its furry head:
"Before we go to sleep for the winter we
eat plenty of food. To build up the fat
layer under our skin we eat lots of beech
nuts and chestnuts. That way we store fat
in our bodies, because we lose most of
our weight by the time we come out of

The seven heavens and the
earth and everyone in them glorify Him.
There is nothing which does not glorify Him
with praise but you do not understand their
glorification. He is All-Forbearing, Ever-
Forgiving. (Surat al-Isra: 44)

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