Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

our shelters in the spring. But we survive even
though we lose most of our body weight. Of
course we couldn't think of storing fat in our bod-
ies before going to sleep by ourselves. Our eating
plenty before sleeping is inspired in us by
Almighty Allah."
"I see now," said Kashif, "that every
living thing on the face of the earth is
proof of Allah's supreme cre-
ation. Thank you for remind-
ing me of that, my friend..."
The bear nodded in agree-
Kashif was then startled
by his mother's voice telling
him breakfast was ready.
While he was enjoying
his honey he thought
about the bear and
was grateful to
Allah, the infinitely
Who has created
bears so perfectly.

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