Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

tle and point my spikes at it. If the lion tries
to catch me with his teeth, my spines sink
into his mouth and cheeks and open wounds
which cannot be healed."
"Eventually, it comes to the point where the
lion can't eat anything and finally he dies. Of
course this comes about through the intelligence and
fighting technique our Almighty Lord has given me. It is
He Who created me and gave me the best characteris-
tics for me to stay alive."
"You're right, brother porcupine," agreed Aisha, as she
had a closer look at the spines on its body.
"Every time I look at animals and the variety of what
Allah has created, it helps me to see His greatness and
the wonder of His creation. Thank you for the pleas-
ant chat," she said, as she went back to join her
family before they began wondering where
she had got to.
"Goodbye, my friend," cried the

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