Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


ansoor and his mother were trying to decide where to
spend their summer vacation. His mother suggested they
should go to a travel agency and decide by looking at the
brochures promoting different countries, so they went to one to-
gether. As soon as they entered the office they were met with
posters on the walls of places they had never seen. While his
mother was talking to the clerks, Mansoor began examining the
posters one by one.
Mansoor was startled by a voice coming from one poster he was
standing next to:
"Hey, Mansoor, hello!" said a very deep voice. "Why don't you
and your mother come here?"
Mansoor turned his head towards the voice. The
speaker was the polar bear in the poster hang-
ing right next to him.

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