Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

"Hello!" he said. "I thought you were a giant snowman!"
The polar bear smiled happily: "You're right, with our huge
bodies and our white fur, we do resemble snowmen. But I'm sure
that with our 1,700 pound (800 kg) weight and 8 feet (2.5 meters)
length we're a lot bigger than they are."

"I'd like to come and visit you and get to know you and your
family better. But where you live is really cold."

"Right again," agreed the bear. "We live in the world's coldest
regions such as the North Pole, Northern Canada, Northern
Siberia and the Antarctic."
"Then how come you don't feel cold?" wondered Mansoor.
"Good question," said Mansoor's new friend. "Let me explain.
Every aspect of our bodies is designed according to the environ-
ment we live in. In spite of the freezing cold, the ice and the snow-
storms, the thick layer of fat that Allah has miraculously created
under our skins protects us from the cold. Our fur, which has also
been specially created, is thick, dense and long, so we don't feel
the cold at all. Allah created us according to the climate we live in.
Have you ever wondered why we don't live in the deserts of

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