Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Africa? Think about it! If we lived in the desert, we'd be overcome
by the heat and die. This is one of the signs that Allah has created
every living thing according to the environment where it lives."
Having found such a great opportunity to talk to a polar bear,
Mansoor began asking everything he was curious about:
"I remember that most bears sleep in the winter. Do you polar
bears do that, too?"
The bear shook its shaggy, white head. "No, my dear friend.
We are different from other bears because we don't hibernate in
winter. Only the females, especially those that are pregnant, do
"How do newborn babies find food?" Mansoor wanted to
"Thanks to our Lord, the Provider, the food the newborn babies
need is all ready for them. The
mother polar bear feeds the ba-
bies with her milk," explained
the bear.
"So the cubs just feed on
milk then?"
"That's right," an-

We have given all kinds of examples to
people in this Qur'an, so that
hopefully they will pay heed.
(Surat az-Zumar: 27)
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